Promoting Gender Equality, Human Rights and Good Governance

About Steps

Steps Towards Development (Steps) is a national NGO working since 1993 with the mandate of the promotion and protection of gender equality, human rights and good governance. Steps strives to create a better society through eliminating all discriminations between women and men that exist in policy, law, institution, society and culture. Through this process, Steps links field experience and learning with policy level. Steps works with a gender equality and right based approach. With around three decades of persistent efforts in strengthening the women’s rights movement in the country, Steps has earned Steps recognition of a leading gender and rights-based organization in Bangladesh. Steps wants to gradually replicate its mission-vision and stories of success in other parts of Bangladesh and thus establish human rights, especially women human rights as well as equality and equity for all. Read more

Steps domains of work

Steps Towards Development (Steps) is a leading multi-disciplinary national organization of Bangladesh with specialization in program and project implementation, qualitative and quantitative research, capacity building, mentoring and coaching, awareness campaign and policy advocacy, IEC and BCC materials development (Audio-Visual and Printing) etc. Steps has working experience with different ministries and institutions of Government of Bangladesh, UN bodies, national and international organizations for more than 28 years. The organization has a good number of in-house professional staff members to undertake these activities with perfection within a scheduled time and guideline. Steps also has well-trained field level experienced staff and social volunteers (including youth and students) and facilitators to implement any project or assignment effectively with quality. In addition, it has a pool of highly qualified senior professionals from various disciplines; many of them are working for more than 20 years with Steps. Read more

Thematic areas of interventions

Over the years, Steps’ main thematic areas of interventions include:

  1. Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
  2. Women’s Political Empowerment
  3. Gender Responsive Governance and Services
  4. Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education
  5. Human Rights and Women Human Rights (GBV, Early and Child Marriage, SRHR)
  6. Road Safety
  7. Persons with Disability
  8. Children
  9. Environment, Disaster Management and Climate Change adaptability,
  10. Health Education and Safety
  11. Gender Responsive Budget
  12. Sustainable Agriculture and Agriculture Marketing
  13. Economic Justice for Women

Steps clients/donors

Existing major projects

  1. Project name: ‘Supporting LGED in Monitoring Female Engagement, Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Risks Management in Rural Bridges Program (SupRB), funded by Ministry of Local Government (Local Government Engineering Department-LGED)
  2. Project Name: Strengthening road safety act and civil society actions in Bangladesh; Funded by Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP)
  3. Ministry of Education (BANBEIS)

Read more (Steps Projects and Programs)

Organizational working strategy

Since its inception, Steps has been following the program strategies:

  • Networking and Alliance Building with civil society, community based organizations, different local and national networks, platforms, forum etc.
  • Collaborative partnership with different Ministries and Government mechanisms as well as political parties and media….Read more

Membership and linkages

National level

Government Committees

  • Active member of the “Committee to develop National Action Plan (NAP) for implementation of National Women’s Development Policy 2011”
  • Active member of “Committee to oversee the implementation and evaluation of National Plan of Action for Women Development” of Ministry of Women and Child Affairs
  • Steps was actively involved with development of “National Action Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women (2013-2025)”.
  • Former Active member of the “Working team for finalizing the draft of National Women’s Development Policy 2011”
  • Steps was the member of “National Action Plan Working Group” and contributed to engendering the Sixth Five Year Plan
  • Linkage and working relation with WID Focal Point/Gender Desk of different ministries and institutions…..Read more

Steps' project/programs

Strengthening road safety act and civil society actions in Bangladesh

Since its independence, road development or road safety issues in Bangladesh have never been handled carefully to keep up with the rapid increase of vehicles. A reformed traffic law was in the making, but it was constantly pushed back due to strong opposition from transport workers and owners. However, a nationwide students protest following some tragic deaths by speeding vehicles couple of years backed paved the way for a new law. After much delay and drama, the new Road Transport Act 2018 was finally enacted. Nevertheless, accidents on the roads have not really stopped or decreased, which to a large extent is due to loopholes in the law as well as its lack of implementation……Read more

Supporting LGED in Monitoring Female Engagement, Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Risks Management in Rural Bridges Program (SupRB) Project

Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) under the Local Government Division (LGD) of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives is implementing the Program for Supporting Rural Bridges (SupRB) with financing from the International Development Association (IDA), member World Bank Group (WBG). The main objectives of the program are enhancing rural connectivity, improving the preservation and climate resilience of rural bridge assets, and strengthening institutional capacity for the development, maintenance, and management of the rural bridge assets. The SupRB program started in 2019….Read more