Mandate on Gender Equality, Human Rights and Good Governance
As an organisation that promotes gender equality, Steps Towards Development has formally institutionalized policies that promote fair treatment in all its endeavours. The following commitments reflect the mandate of Steps pertinent to gender, human rights and governance:
- To establish concrete tools and guidelines that can be adapted to all aspects of Steps programming.
- To create gender-sensitivity and commitment to gender equity throughout the organization. Equity includes equality of opportunity in areas such as employment, performance appraisal, education, training, availability of positions of authority.
- To achieve gender equity within the organisation; in the Executive Committee (EC), among the staff and in all decision-making processes.
- To share and exchange gender-related information and experience amongst the staff of Steps.
- To increase the skill and capability of all Steps’ staff and its network partners to undertake gender sensitive programs and projects.
- To develop a common understanding of gender issues, approaches and expectations within Steps and with its partner networks.
- To address human rights and governance issues through the gender lens, and with exercise of the principles of Transparency and Accountability, Participation and Non-Discrimination.