Awareness campaign and policy advocacy
Steps has been involved in policy advocacy and awareness raising campaign engaging active citizens, youth volunteers and evidence based field experience and learning documents for enacting non-discriminatory laws, formulating gender responsive policy and budget and take other necessary steps for establishing human rights. Steps also works in collaborative partnership with local government and educational institutions for gender responsive governance and services and inclusive and equitable education. Steps did advocacy with different government ministries with other civil society organizations to implement UN recommendations, government national and international commitments related with human rights. Steps has experience and expertise in community and institutional campaign on different issues. Steps has a strong base of social and youth volunteers in different parts of the country and they are initiating campaign on different rights issues and against any kinds of discriminations, gender based violence, early and child marriage, SRHR etc.
Steps has allied with various mainstream human rights organizations as well as international human rights treaties and conventions like CEDAW, UPR, and Beijing PFA. It involved with various campaign and advocacy initiatives along with others to achieve national target including Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). Steps has developed collective platform for CEDAW, UPR, GAD, SDG, GRB, GIMF, PRSP etc. and played the secretariat role in recent past and coordinated as well as associated well. Through this, Steps has earned huge recognition from national and international allies working on these issues. Steps played the secretariat role to many national level responses (Citizens’ Initiatives on CEDAW-Bangladesh; gender and PRSP Group; Gender in Media Forum etc.) Especially, Steps has a long working relationship with UN Women regarding many gender and development issues. The organization plays the role of secretariat of CEDAW platform since its beginning in 2007 with support of UN Women.
Steps was actively involved with advocacy with the government for implementation of National Women Advancement Policy 2011 and the development of National Action Plan to prevent violence against women (2013-2025). Steps was the member of NAP working group and contributed to engendering the Sixth Five Year Plan (2011-2015).
Campaign activities were done in the past years to help targeted community people, students and others to enhance their knowledge on gender equality and women’s human rights issues. Steps organized several campaign programs to stop violence against women, sexual harassment, early marriage and women’s political participation all the year round on Sexual Harassment, Campaign on Women’s political participation, 16 days activism to stop VAW, CEDAW Day observation etc. Community people enthusiastically participated in these campaign programs. Beside these major three campaign programs, other campaign programs were done during the year such as mobilization, human chain, cultural program etc. As a result of these campaign activities, better awareness of violence against women and its different forms at family and society is created. Community expressed their commitment for socially abandon the perpetuators and help create social protection for victim and her family.