Membership and linkages
National level
Government Committees
- Active member of the “Committee to develop National Action Plan (NAP) for implementation of National Women’s Development Policy 2011”
- Active member of “Committee to oversee the implementation and evaluation of National Plan of Action for Women Development” of Ministry of Women and Child Affairs
- Steps was actively involved with development of “National Action Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women (2013-2025)”.
- Former Active member of the “Working team for finalizing the draft of National Women’s Development Policy 2011”
- Steps was the member of “National Action Plan Working Group” and contributed to engendering the Sixth Five Year Plan
- Linkage and working relation with WID Focal Point/Gender Desk of different ministries and institutions
Civil Society forums/platforms
- Citizens’ Initiatives on CEDAW, Bangladesh (CIC-BD)
- Human Rights Forum-Bangladesh
- Social Action Committee, Bangladesh
- SDC Gender Platform, Bangladesh
- Citizen’s Forum for SDG, Bangladesh
- National Kannyashishu Advocacy Forum
- Gender in Media Forum
- Right to Food Bangladesh
- Budget Alliance Group, Bangladesh
- United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
- Engage Men and Boys (EMB) Network
- International Women’s Rights Action Watch (IWRAW), Malaysia
- Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP)
- UNCEDAW Committee
- Forum Asia, Thailand
- Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA), India
- South Asian Network to Address Masculinities (SANAM)
Affiliation with different national and international alliances and forums