IEC and BCC Material Development (Audio-Visual and Printing)
Steps has developed a great deal of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials in print and audio-visual forms. Steps produced these need-based print materials like book and booklet, poster, leaflet, information card, sticker etc. for education, awareness-raising, training and advocacy on gender equality, human rights and good governance, for all levels, in all sectors in a reader-friendly way. Steps Towards Development has an experienced and skilled team of staff who have expertise in producing different types of campaign and advocacy materials. Steps also developed a number of issue-based training modules and materials especially on gender and human rights issues for capacity building of development activists of different levels that are being widely used by Steps as well as other organizations.
Side by side, Steps produced audio-visual materials for wider audience like documentary films, TV spot, reportage etc. These print, AV and training materials are well-recognized and used widely by GO and NGOs to facilitate capacity building activities, campaign and advocacy, orientation at community as well as institutional level. It is noteworthy that Steps Towards Development is one of the pioneering organizations that developed user-friendly print, AV and training materials in easy Bangla language so that the development activists as well as common people can understand the evolving concepts of gender and human rights.