Capacity-building and mentoring-coaching
Steps Towards Development, is working to build the capacity of development workers, activists and institutions to promote gender equality, human rights and good governance. It developed training modules and materials that are being used by Steps as well as other organizations. Through these efforts, Steps also developed trainers at both local and national level to ensure continuous dissemination of gender mainstreaming concepts. Steps has a unique mechanism for transferring knowledge, skill and information from national to local level. Steps regularly conducts training to develop facilitation skill of development activists from different organizations on gender equality. Besides, Steps has taken initiatives to develop the capacity of development organizations to implement gender sensitive policies for their projects and change their organizational practice.
Since its inception Steps has conducted customized trainings for different national and international organizations and ministries of Bangladesh Government. Steps has expertise in regular mentoring, coaching and information sharing to community people and social volunteers in different issues related with gender equality, human rights and gender responsive governance to educate and raise community voice and initiatives. Steps took initiative for developing youth leadership, carried out social action works through youth volunteers and done mentoring-coaching activities by youth facilitators and trainers. Steps conducted capacity-building programs for teachers, mentoring and coaching of student volunteers, training curriculum and materials development on different human rights issues for school level to ensure violence-free institutions at 18 districts.
The major topics of the training provided by Steps were: Gender and gender equality, gender mainstreaming, gender and development, gender and ICT, organizational development and management in gender context, gender awareness and development, gender advocacy, gender and governance, early marriage, CEDAW, entrepreneurship development, development internship etc.