Project Name: Strengthening road safety act and civil society actions in Bangladesh

Steps mandate:

Incorporate gender equality in Comprehensive Road Safety Law and its implementation in Bangladesh


Since its independence, road development or road safety issues in Bangladesh have never been handled carefully to keep up with the rapid increase of vehicles. A reformed traffic law was in the making, but it was constantly pushed back due to strong opposition from transport workers and owners. However, a nationwide students protest following some tragic deaths by speeding vehicles couple of years backed paved the way for a new law. After much delay and drama, the new Road Transport Act 2018 was finally enacted. Nevertheless, accidents on the roads have not really stopped or decreased, which to a large extent is due to loopholes in the law as well as its lack of implementation.

A statistic by the World Life Expectancy puts Bangladesh in 106th position among 183 countries in terms of having the most road accident-related deaths. In the first eight months of 2021, a total of 3,502 people were killed and 3,479 sustained injuries in 3,701 road accidents (The Business Standard, 27 November 2021).  According to the Bangladesh Jatri Kalyan Samity data, a total of 4,891 accidents in 2020 resulted in 6,686 deaths and 8,600 injuries. The figures for 2021 documented 5,629 accidents, leading to 7,809 deaths and 9,039 injuries, and the records for 2022 show 6,749 accidents, causing 9,951 fatalities and 12,356 injuries. The Road Safety Foundation’s report shows 4,693 road accidents causing 5,211 deaths and 7,103 injuries in the inaugural year. This trend continued with 4,735 road accidents in 2020, resulting in 5,431 fatalities and 7,379 injuries. In 2021, there were 5,371 road accidents causing 6,284 deaths and 7,468 injuries, and in 2022, the foundation’s report indicates 6,829 road accidents leading to 7,713 fatalities and 12,615 injuries.

Keeping this in mind, Steps Towards Development is keen to work on road safety in an attempt to improve the scenario and saving valuable lives. Broadly, the purpose of the project is to influence policy and laws for strengthening road safety. Steps’ mandate is to ensure incorporating gender equality in Comprehensive Road Safety Law and its implementation in Bangladesh. Steps’ observation revealed that there are active civil society groups that are working for road safety. However, there very few active participation of survivors, affected family members and media activists, who can do advocacy works on voluntary basis. Moreover, there are also a lack of skilled and knowledge-based policy influence groups and absence of continuous evidence-based advocacy and actions. Steps will involve these groups in its awareness and campaign activities for policy influence at the local level. Side by side, Steps will do joint advocacy at the national level and networking at local level for enacting a comprehensive gender responsive road safety act.

In this project, Steps will take interventions in association with the stakeholders like survivors of road crash, affected families, youth volunteers and media for awareness raising and policy influence. In addition, Steps will engage Parliament/Cabinet members and representatives of relevant departments/directorates to create a pressure on the government to enact a comprehensive law and ensure stricter provisions, as it believes that the exiting law is not helping much to prevent road crashes, rather working as a tool to give punishment after crashes occur. Thousands of people die or injure each year on the roads and tens of thousands others suffer, especially the women and children who are dependents of the deceased/injured persons. Therefore, Steps will involve them in the process to create a large campaign and loud voice to prevent and decrease road crashes. Side by side, road user behavioral risk factors in Bangladesh will also be addressed in the proposed activities. Thus, Steps will support the Government of Bangladesh to enact a gender-responsive comprehensive road safety law to achieve the commitment of ensuring a safer road for the people of Bangladesh.


The Road Safety Grants Program is managed by the Global Road Safety Partnership, one of the implementing partners of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), and supports projects to develop and deliver high-impact, evidence-based road safety interventions designed to strengthen road safety policies and their implementation. BIGRS focuses on improving and implementing evidence-based road safety policies (including laws, regulations, and standards) in 15 low and middle-income countries.

The Road Transport Act 2018 has brought some positive changes; but the law neither could succeed much to stop killings/injuries on the roads nor could help to hold the drivers/owners of the vehicles accountable due to some loopholes. There are some other causes/road user behavioral risk factors too that are responsible for unsafe road in Bangladesh. Considering these, Road Safety Coalition Bangladesh, which works on road safety, has agreed that the current road transport act and regulations are not enough to ensure road safety. Hence, the coalition is working on to formulate a new comprehensive legislation taking into account the safety and security issues.

The Coalition

In Bangladesh, a coalition called Road Safety Coalition, Bangladesh has been formed in association with the Global Road Safety Partnership, which is working on ensuring road safety in this country. The road safety coalition Bangladesh has already become a well-known coalition in the country because of their unique working strategies. It is expected that the implementation of joint plans and programs of the of the coalition will pave the way to reach the ultimate vision or goal of this project. Steps Towards Development is one of the members of this coalition. Steps is connected as partner of the Road Safety Coalition for the formulation and implementation of road safety legislation, side by side takes joint awareness-raising activities on the issue with like-minded networks across the country.

Over the years, Steps has implemented a lot of similar projects which addressed policy change or policy implementation on diversified issues involving lots of campaign and advocacy interventions. Activities under such projects or programs included field and national level awareness campaign, advocacy, community outreach programs, collaborative partnership with government bodies and other stakeholders, volunteer group development and activism, media campaign etc. The organization has been successfully working in networking and collaborative partnership approach for almost three decades. A networking approach does not only involve registered non-governmental organizations, but also engages CSOs, volunteers, survivor groups. One major focus of Steps’ networking approach is to take local-level experiences at the national level and carry out advocacy and campaign in an attempt to influence the policy-planners for either policy change or policy implementation or both.  In this project also, Steps will work with other coalition members and take joint initiatives alongside its own project activities.

Overview of the project

Overall goal of this project is that the GoB enacts Comprehensive Road Safety Law (CRSL) by 2025 to achieve the SDGs, the Global Plan and National commitments for road safety. To achieve this goal, six objectives or milestones have been set through consensus of all members of the Road Safety Coalition through a series of strategic planning workshop. All grantees will implement their programs keeping in mind the six objectives that are agreed upon by them, both as an individual organization as well as jointly as a coalition member. Steps Towards Development as a partner of the Road Safety Coalition is working with the law, risk factors and relevant actors along with other coalition partners for safer road under this project.

Overall Goal of the project

GoB enacts Comprehensive Road Safety Law (CRSL) by 2025 to achieve the SDGs, the Global Plan and National commitments for road safety.

Mandate of Steps Towards Development

Incorporate gender equality in Comprehensive Road Safety Law and its implementation in Bangladesh.


  • Inclusion of gender issues in the draft road safety law of Bangladesh.
  • Collection and incorporation of views and inputs from the Government, legislators and various expert groups on the draft law.
  • Develop youth volunteer groups at local level and engage them in awareness campaigns to reduce road accidents.
  • Policy Advocacy and lobby with relevant law makers and relevant ministries


  1. Road Transport and Highways Division (RTHD) forms a drafting committee for Comprehensive Road Safety Law (CRSL) by June 2024
  2. RTHD approves an agreed-upon draft of the CRSL by December 2024
  3. Cabinet approves in principle the final draft of CRSL by March 2025
  4. Ministry of Law completes vetting of the draft CRSL by June 2025
  5. Cabinet approves CRSL by August 2025
  6. Parliament passes the CRSL by December 2025


Under this project, Steps Towards Development will support to enact legislation for safer roads, address risk factors and work with relevant actors, such as government, legislators or parliamentarians and like-minded civil society organizations at national and local levels. Steps will support the inclusion of gender issues in the Road Safety Act. Opinions and inputs on the draft law will be collected from the government, legislators and various expert groups in this regard. Youth volunteers and survivors’ groups will be developed and trained up at the local level and they will be engaged in awareness campaigns to reduce road accidents.

Steps has identified the major activities to achieve the objectives:

  • Advocacy, sharing and engage policy planners/legislators, government authorities and other relevant stakeholders to enact a gender-responsive comprehensive road safety law
  • Engage with joint advocacy initiatives of Road Safety Coalition Bangladesh for enacting a gender-responsive comprehensive law
  • Organize survivors and affected family members from selected areas of the country in association with local networks.
  • Volunteer Group development with Youth as well as selected survivors and affected family members
  • Capacitate the volunteers as change actors.
  • Engage Survivors for knowledge-based awareness raising and lobby advocacy
  • Establish volunteer camp for survivors and their family members to provide health and psychosocial support
  • Raise a voice with the groups and other alliance/networks to ensure road safety through campaign and advocacy
  • Awareness raising on road user behavioral risk factors

Geographical coverage

Central level and regional/hub Level

The regions herein referred as “Hubs” where Steps will implement this project are as follows:

  1. Bogra North — Hub (Central point of all transports in Northern region of Bangladesh)
  2. Barishal South — Hub (Central point of all transports in Southern region of Bangladesh)
  3. Chattogram East — Hub (Central point of all transports in Eastern region of Bangladesh)
  4. Dhaka Mid— Hub (Central point of all transports in the capital of  Bangladesh)

Target stakeholders

  • Survivors and affected family members of the road crash
  • Women and Youth Volunteers and Media persons
  • Government’s department/directorates on Road and Transport
  • Members of the Parliament/Parliamentary Standing Committee
  • Members of the Cabinet
  • Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges
  • Drivers and their associations
  • GRSP Coalition and their networks/collective platforms
  • Relevant experts, activists, academicians, researchers and other actors 

Coalition Road map for next 2 years (2024-2025)

Comprehensive law on Road Safety in Bangladesh

Step-1: Collective platform engaging all relevant partners (GO, NGO, Private sector, Academic/Research institutions

Step-2: Strategic Documents for collective platform including vision objectives outcomes and working strategy

Step-3: Redesign all partners plan of action based on strategic document for collective platform

Step-4: Political and Government commitment on Comprehensive law on Road Safety in Bangladesh

Step-5: Develop Draft Comprehensive law on Road Safety in Bangladesh

Step-6: Policy Advocacy and lobby with relevant law makers and relevant ministries

Step-7: Enactment of Comprehensive law on Road Safety in Bangladesh

Steps Road map for next 2 years (2024-2025)

Gender-responsive Comprehensive law on Road Safety in Bangladesh

Step-1 (January 2024-May 2025)

Develop and train-up youth volunteers group and survivor’s platform in 4 districts

Step-2 (February 2024- December 2025)

Engage volunteers group and survivor’s platform in awareness and campaign activities in 4 districts

Step-3 (January 2024-April 2024)

Advocacy to incorporate gender equality in draft comprehensive law on Road Safety in Bangladesh

Step-4 (March 2024-December 2025)

Policy Advocacy and lobby with relevant law makers and ministries to enact a draft gender-sensitive comprehensive law

Step-4 (January-December 2024)

Develop a draft gender-sensitive Comprehensive law on Road Safety

Step-5 (March 2025-December 2025)

Approval and enactment of the final gender-sensitive comprehensive law on Road Safety